Decrypting/Encrypting Tridion.ContentManager.config

The steps below can be used to decrypt the file.  

1. Backup the file C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL Web\config\Tridion.ContentManager.config
2. Rename the Tridion.ContentManager.config file to web.config
3.Open a command prompt as Admin
4. Navigate to 
for example C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
5. Run command to decrypt a given section (eg. database, “”, search or searchIndexer)

aspnet_regiis.exe -pddatabase C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL Web\config”

6. Verify the file is decrypted by opening web.config in a text editor and reviewing the section decrypted, the settings and values should be clear
7. Rename the web.config file back to Tridion.ContentManager.config
8. To re-encrypt the file, follow the steps above and use the command

aspnet_regiis.exe -pedatabase C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL Web\config” -prov TridionRsaProtectedConfigurationProvider

9. Restart IIS. 

This file is typically encrypted.  Specific sections can be encrypted and decrypted again.
These are:
– database
– search
– searchIndexer